Experience Pila’s Incredible Mystical Journeys: posted by on May 29, 2022

Pila’s “legendary” Journey Meditations were premiered in his first “Huna” week-long intensive, before a live audience of over 200 on the Big Island of Hawaii. This was followed by a medical convention of 500 doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists, culminating in a presentation to the United Nations, both New York and Vienna, Austria.

Intuitively “channeled”, these remarkable experiences (that you’ll never forget!)… are said to “activate cellular memory and re-braid your DNA at the core level”.  Archetypal symbology, language patterns and stunning music make these guided meditations the most effective relaxations, stress/anxiety elimination, deep sleep therapy known.

Any donations to further this work and its research are gratefully appreciated but NOT mandatory!

Pila’s extraordinay Journey Meditations

(NOTE: Just please follow the simple instructions, and do NOT play while driving or operating machinery!)